Myheritage and Sperm Donation World partner together for DNA testing

Sperm Donation and Ancestry they go hand in hand. Some of us are proud of heritage and we elect to pick our donors or recipients who possess a history of similar ancestral lineage, while others like to create that diversity there is no right or wrong and comes down to personal preference, but it’s nice and interesting thing to know as many of us to presume our heritage and we often find out so much more about ourselves 

Since the creation of Sperm Donation World, dozens of community members have approached Adam Hooper with messages along the lines of liking the idea of establishing a database for that ability to connect with half-siblings, or even just that awareness of half-siblings that are out there. Also, they would like to know more about the donors/partners origins as well as their own. For some Same-sex families, they prefer to pick origins closer to the non-biological mother’s match when selecting a donor.  My heritage also allows you to create your own family tree for those who are interested in genealogy.

Sperm Donation World chose My heritage to partner with for a number of reasons,  the process of using their kit is easy to use (see video below), they’re  also one of the least expensive kits out on the market, making it more affordable for all our members to sign up and be on the database if they choose to, they have the view of  an ongoing relationship with us that can evolve. We want to make it easier for recipients and donors and include interfaces that directly relate to them, we’re looking to prove to them that our market is a fast-growing market that they can shift more focus towards and enhance our experience further. We look forward to what the future may bring with this partnership

The great thing about being a donor is you don’t have to display your real name in this case I have decided to link my name to my kit but if you wish not to you can untick the box or change your display name to your Facebook username profile. This way it’s to protect your privacy until the children are 18 but at the same time giving them the ability to link up or at least be made aware.

Order your MyHeritage kit today by Clicking here